Published Author | Street Evangelist
Building the Kingdom of God. Raising up valiant warriors, noble princes, and princesses to be a soul-winning army of many nations.
Biografia en Español
What started as a blog called "The Tiny Princess" has now become a published book to save souls all across the world and all across the nation! Jamie Barrera is a street evangelist and a published author who travels across the nation, and worldwide to partner with church outreaches in communities of high gang violence, drugs, homelessness, and prostitution to win the lost to Christ in tough areas that are usually overlooked by society. Jamie is a Top 10 Best Selling Author in 3 Christian categories on Amazon.com.
Jamie also brings the love of Jesus back into nightclubs to minister to strippers and go-go dancers to help them out of the industry with "Ladies of the Light". Jamie also serves in her city, leading outreach groups as well as helping lead “Socks for Souls” to bring socks and toiletries to the inner city of San Francisco’s homeless community. Jamie Barrera Ministries has expanded by hosting a podcast called "Let's Talk Kingdom Royalty" as well as preaching, speaking, and mentoring young girls, teens, and adults who are incarcerated about choosing Jesus at the transition point from being a teen to adulthood with the practical application and foundational resources of the Gospel they need within their lives.
Her desire is to see revival in big cities, especially San Francisco, like the ones of God’s generals of the past with healings, signs, wonders, miracles, and freedom out of bondage for a new relationship with Jesus. Through the dedication of volunteers,
Jamie is committed to fulfilling the heart of Jesus Christ by ministering the gospel and saving souls. For those to discover they are royalty, a chosen generation, they are a child of the King of kings!
¡Lo que comenzó como un blog llamado "The Tiny Princess" ahora se ha convertido en un libro publicado para salvar almas en todo el mundo y en todo el país! Jamie Barrera es un evangelista callejero y un autor publicado que viaja por todo el país y en todo el mundo para asociarse con los alcances de la iglesia en comunidades de alta violencia de pandillas, drogas, personas sin hogar y prostitución para ganar a los perdidos para Cristo en áreas difíciles que generalmente son pasadas por alto por sociedad. Jamie es uno de los 10 autores más vendidos en 3 categorías cristianas en Amazon.com.
Jamie también trae el amor de Jesús de regreso a los clubes nocturnos para ministrar a las strippers y bailarinas go-go para ayudarlas a salir de la industria con "Ladies of the Light". Jamie también sirve en su ciudad, liderando grupos de divulgación y ayudando a dirigir "Socks for Souls" para llevar calcetines y artículos de tocador a la comunidad de personas sin hogar del centro de la ciudad de San Francisco. Jamie Barrera Ministries se ha expandido presentando un podcast llamado "Hablemos de la Realeza del Reino", así como predicando, hablando y asesorando a niñas, adolescentes y adultos que están encarcelados sobre cómo elegir a Jesús en el punto de transición de la adolescencia a la edad adulta con el aplicación práctica y recursos fundamentales del Evangelio que necesitan en sus vidas.
Su deseo es ver un avivamiento en las grandes ciudades, especialmente en San Francisco, como los generales de Dios del pasado con sanidades, señales, prodigios, milagros y libertad de la esclavitud para una nueva relación con Jesús. A través de la dedicación de los voluntarios.
Jamie está comprometida a llenar el corazón de Jesucristo al ministrar el evangelio y salvar almas. ¡Para aquellos que descubran que son realeza, una generación elegida, son hijos del Rey de reyes!

Ministry Events
There’s Always Something Going On
Socks for Souls

Once a month a team of prayer-filled volunteers goes into "Tent Cities" to bring hot meals, toiletries, and resources to the homeless community.
Our efforts are to engage and stabilize the most vulnerable homeless individuals by placing them in a bible believing church, shelter, and helping them obtain medical care.
Ladies of the Light

Stripclub outreach: our team of Holy Ghost filled women go into the strip club to help to reach women working in the sex industry or who are human trafficked. Our goal is to share the love of Jesus without judgment. We are there to encourage, pray, and give hope.
We work closely with the "A-21" organization to fulfill these efforts.

Matthew 10:1 "Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."
A creative variety of trained volunteers going into the community to win souls for the Kingdom of God. Supportive partnership with churches, evangelists, and international missionary organizations that share a clear vision and compelling Good News of Jesus Christ to save souls world wide.
Online Bible Study
Teaching biblical theology in an interactive way where everyone participates together for better understanding and application.
Pen / Paper notes
Reference: Book: "I'm Saved! Now What?"


Seasonally, throughout the year we hold an Empanada fundraiser to help with the supplies toward our street outreaches.
Your contribution provides:
Socks / underwear
Become a donation partner today!
Partner with us!
Provides a variety of toiletries and blankets to the homeless with information to get them off the streets. We disciple those interested in winning souls in our street outreach with our God-given strategy Highways & Byways training to local church.

“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”