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The Tiny Princess Blog


Writer's picture: Jamie BarreraJamie Barrera

Mark 9:23-24 (NIV)

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Since the age of 11, my holiday festivities start with cooking while the Thanksgiving Day Parade is on TV. While all the food is in the oven and prepped, before the guest arrives I sneak my first Christmas movie in. It is the same every year, “Miracle on 34th Street” the 1947 version. If you don’t know the movie classic, it is about a little girl who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. She thinks Christmas is a gimmick until she met the real Santa Claus, who went on trial to prove that he is Santa Claus.

As a little girl, in my heart, heard a whisper and a tug that I knew was from God alone. In my adolescence when my sister and I would run away from home. Instead of hanging out at the park or street corner with the other kids. I wandered off and found myself alone in the church pews. Or alone in the park praying all the “W/Q’swhy? what? when? who? where? questions. Jesus promises have come to pass in certain areas of my life. There are particular promises God gave me in dreams, by the Spirit, heard as a child and as an adult, those same promises were spoken over me by prominent people of God. Me, now at 34, those promises still have not come fully to pass, might not be “it”, just little “love note” moments of hope. I still believe the promises are coming.

Eight years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I fully surrendered my life completely to Jesus. Just like Natalie Wood at the end of the movie saying over and over “I believe, I believe... I don’t know why I believe, but I believe” Before her promise from Santa Claus came to pass. Then she declared “I do believe he is the real Santa Claus!”. It reminded me of today's verse in Mark 9:23-24. The background is, this man had a son who was possessed by demons. Jesus delivers the boy, although the father sees it with his eyes & knows Jesus is who He says He is, his heart was having a hard time believing and trusting. When the disciples asked why they could not deliver the boy Jesus replied to them, “This kind of unclean spirit cannot come out by anything but prayer to the Father.” (Mark 9:14-29)

At different times, especially when the promise is so close, feeling it in my bones but I know it is not God’s time yet (“love note” moments) I am reciting in prayer the same words, “I believe..”. When I see the glimpses of hope or encouraging words from people who secretly tell you “I’m believing this with you” from people who you never thought was paying attention or believed in God at all. I am reciting in prayer the same words, “I believe..”. Then the heart heavy moments of doubt and disbelief that the promises are not coming. I look the devil straight in the eye and say “You’re a liar, I don’t mind waiting on God.”

Right now it might look like a dead promise. The dream didn’t turn out like you planned. People are starting to think you’re crazy because your hope is planted firmly in the vision & word of God. But God has a better way. It will be exceedingly and abundantly more than you asked or thought. My question to you is, will you turn to Jesus, believe again, pray again, go deeper in the word and see His promises come to pass for you? Say, I don’t mind waiting with crazy faith, fervent prayer, and repentance.

Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus. We give you glory, honor, and dominion this day. Father, we repent to you everything/anything in our hearts, minds, words, and actions that did not align with Your will or purpose for our life. We thank You for Your provision, Grace, and Mercy. We thank You that Your promises are true & Your word will not turn void. Holy Spirit show us Your truth, Your way, Your life for us in this moment. We don’t mind waiting on you. We believe & ask, in Jesus name Amen.

Mark 1:15 (NIV)

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

Genesis 15:6 (NIV)

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Psalm 25:5 (AMP)

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You [and only You] I wait [expectantly] all the day long.

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